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Echos’ Desired, The Podcast was designed to empower people to feel bold, stay fresh and become a better designer and innovation leader. Desired, The Podcast is presented by Echos CDO Juliana Proserpio.

About Juliana

Juliana is the co-founder and CDO of Echos, the mother company to the School of Design Thinking – a school that puts innovation in practice – and Echos Innovation Projects – a consultancy for service, business and systemic design.  Over the last seven years, Juliana has worked to develop an innovation ecosystem in Australia and Brazil to foster the design of desirable futures and design thinking.

She has more than 10.000 hours working closely with clients on facilitation design, leading a diverse range of projects in industries such as healthcare, finance, education, retail, technology and consumer goods.

Juliana speaks about the power of design to create desirable futures. She spoke at events such as the Global Innovation Summit in San Jose, California, TEDxMaua in Sao Paulo, Brazil, What Design Can Do and the Sydney Design Festival. Juliana has been a judge at the first William Drenttel Award for Excellence in Design since 2015.

For Desired, The Podcast‘s first episode – Officially Creative: Design Thinking, Education & The Government, Juliana hosted Susie Robinson, currently Executive Director of Australian Plant Phenomics Facilities, formerly Policy Advisor for the UK Government, Department of Trade and Industry. Robinson has also served as Economic Advisor to the Treasure for the Government of South Australia.

In this episode, Juliana and Susie explore the role of the government and formal education when fomenting creativity, design and innovation, arguing that creativity has become a commodity in recent years, especially because of its human uniqueness that can’t yet be substituted by technology.

Susan (left) and Juliana (right) in action.

“It’s almost like the enhancement of technology is truly telling us what it means to be human”, says Juliana.

Don’t waste any time, listen to the first episode of Desired, The Podcast now.

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Rani Ghazzaoui Luke

Rani is a writer and actor based in Sydney, Australia. She is Echos Head of Content & Communications, and the Editor in Chief of The Echos Newsletter.

Before joining Echos, she worked in full-service advertising agencies as a copywriter, moved onto writing for Broadcast Media, and landed on Digital Media, working first as a Digital Producer and later as a Digital Account Manager. Most recently, she was Lead Client Solutions Manager for GumGum Inc, an ad tech company specialised in Artificial Intelligence.

Rani is a highly curious individual that believes creativity and innovation are the most important tools to propel any person or business forward.

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