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Design Sprint is a practical and tangible way of introducing innovation to business. Created by jake Knapp, during his time at Google, it is is a time-constrained method, divided into five phases that uses Design Thinking to help teams to go deep into a problem and allow them to come out of this immersion with a ready-to-implement solution. In an organisation, Design Sprint acts as an impulse for multidisciplinary interaction, resulting in innovation that starts in the culture.

Google’s model propositions that people from different departments get together for five days to find the best solution for a given challenge the company is facing. Looking at the problem through “design glasses”, these people will prototype and then test their ideas on clients.

“Sounds interesting, but where to start?” you may wonder.

Well, wonder no more. Without further ado, here are the basic Design Sprint steps:

Step 1: Preparation

  • Set aside five days in your calendar; these days have to be in a roll, not alternated
  • Participants must be people from different departments that do not work closely together daily. The reason for this is people from different areas bring different insights, and the collective knowledge will be vast and more assertive
  • All participants must leave phones, laptops and any other responsibility outside of the design sprint room
  • All participants should study the problem before starting the design sprint process
  • Interviews should be scheduled in advance before the design sprint process starts

Step 2: During The Sprint

  • Design Sprint’s logic is based on Design Thinking’s Double Diamond
  • Double Diamond’s phases are: understanding, observation, point of view, ideation, prototyping, test and iteration
  • This process will encourage the group to “converge” and “diverge”, which means at some stages of the process, you’ll be coming up with ideas and, at other, you’ll be making choices
  • The process ends with the final iteration based on feedback from clients, to guarantee the best result

Step 3: The After Match

  • Design Sprint’s main goal is to structure and validate an idea that has the potential to resolve the company’s problem
  • At the end of the process, it is important to coordinate and assign tasks for the next steps in implementing the chosen idea
  • Although Design Sprint was created to create a solution to one specific problem, it also promotes “invisible” benefits to the company’s culture, as it promotes collaboration between people that wouldn’t normally work together
  • Design Sprint’s collaboration also empowers participants, making them feel capable of resolving complex problems from beginning to end
  • When used correctly, Design Sprints can create a more experimental organisational culture, with faster results for the company
*This article was translated, adapted and edited by Rani Ghazzaoui Luke.

If you’d like to do a Design Sprint and start an innovation journey in your company, you can check out our in-house course offering as well as download for free our Design Thinking toolkit by clicking here.

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