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A school aiming to foster a new kind of leadership through design in the world

School of Design Thinking

A school of practical innovation

School of Design Thinking is a pioneering learning space in design thinking, founded in 2012 by Echos – an independent and global innovation laboratory. It has contributed to the development of the new generation of innovators worldwide, impacting more than 38,000 people.

The school was born out of a movement, from a group of people uneasy and dissatisfied with traditional models of education in order to raise the quality of learning, as well as design and innovation.

The Design Thinking School is more than a school, it is a new type of learning based on practice where we do not have all the answers, but many questions.

We are a learning space for accelerating global leadership through design.

A movement towards a more inclusive, more humane and constantly changing society. A new learning space to prepare individuals and organisations to face the most complex challenges of a society in transition.

We understand that design is the vehicle to generate a positive impact. As we delve deeper into the 21st century, it is clear that most of our social systems are no longer suited to their purpose.

A space for learning experimentation, a safe place to instigate questioning and the willingness to challenge oneself. A place (non-place) to leave the commonplace and provoke change.

About school frontier image

When dealing with complex problems, the way you do things or how you solve problems matters and creates different outcomes. The rule that states 'the order of the factors does not alter the product' is not applicable when dealing with systemic change and people; this is why design thinking is so important nowadays.

Juliana Proserpio, Chief Designer & Founder at Echos

our purpose

We believe that design is the vehicle for transformation and creation of new realities. Our mission is to contribute to the development of new world leaders in design as we believe that true innovation is one that adds real value to people’s lives and society; it transforms business and positively impacts the planet.

We believe that the systems we are part of no longer serve us the way we need them. Our intention is to be a space for experimenting in learning about design in order to build fairer and more inclusive systems. A safe space for doubt, dialogue and meaningful conversations.

design as a political act

The biggest threat to the limits of creation is the way we imagine it. We need new proposals on how we organize ourselves in society, how we structure our governments and how to live in harmony with the planet, not against it.

Our social systems are no longer suited to their purpose, many still focus on incremental innovations, we focus our energy on major systemic challenges. Challenges that really matter.

To learn about design is to learn that all design is a political act.

Around the World Map
São Paulo
Rio de Janeiro
Around the World Map










Our facilitators are innovation experts who are committed to showing the ropes to participants and sharing tactics to implement design thinking in any situation.

Ricardo Ruffo

full profile
Juliana Proserpio

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Daniel Ieraci

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Paulo Armi

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