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Healthcare systems have been build based on disease and diagnosis, rather than on people. The following podcasts will explore how Design Thinking can play a role in redesigning these systems so that they become human-centred.

1- IDEO U: Design Thinking in Healthcare

“In our Creative Confidence Series chat with IDEO Design Researcher Silvia Vergani and Principal Research Scientist at Verily Life Sciences Danielle Schlosser, we discussed the challenges and opportunities in healthcare innovation today and how healthcare practitioners can begin to apply a more human-centred approach to their work. When design thinking methodologies are applied to healthcare they lead to a human-centred focus and an openness to generating and testing many ideas to find more innovative, far-reaching solutions.” (source: IDEO U)

2- Stanford Social Innovation Review: Applying Design Thinking to Healthcare

“In the developing world, healthcare is often a scarce commodity. That’s why innovative products such as those being produced by re:motion designs are so important. In this audio interview, Stanford Center for Social Innovation correspondent Ashkon Jafari talks with CEO Joel Sadler about the company’s initial product, the JaipurKnee, an artificial knee joint costing less than $20 that is dramatically changing the lives of amputees in developing countries. He describes how he became invovled in the field of medical devices, how his engineers have approached design and prototyping, and how the company has secured funding and created partnerships. He also offers advice for the aspiring engineering or design student. Joel Sadler is the co-founder and CEO of re:motion designs. A former product designer at Apple, he is currently a fellow and lecturer at the Hasso Plattner Institute of Design at Stanford University. A Jamaican native, Sadler was inspired to work on low-cost medical devices after an MIT fellowship to design affordable wheelchairs in Mexico. He holds degrees in mechanical engineering from MIT and Stanford.” (source: Stanford Social Innovation Review)

3- Design Thinking 101: A Short Introduction to Design Thinking with Dawan Stanford

“Welcome to the Design Thinking 101 podcast! I’m Dawan Stanford, your host. Today I’ll be giving you a brief introduction to design thinking. It starts with a story about Doug Deitz. In 2012, Doug was a principal designer at GE Healthcare. Doug designed a new MRI machine. One day, observing the new model in action at a hospital, Doug encountered a distraught child who had to undergo an MRI. He found out that over 80% of children had to be sedated to receive an MRI. Since he designed the original MRI machine, he felt responsible for this and wanted to remedy this issue for children. So, he spoke with teachers and other professionals who interact with children on a day-to-day basis, asking them how he could make their experience in an MRI machine less traumatic. As a result of those conversations, Doug and his team found a way to modify an MRI machine for children. They added stickers to the floor with water and rock on them. Covered the MRI with stickers that looked like wood planks and sails. Now, instead of a scary piece of hospital equipment, the MRI looked a lot like a pirate ship. They even created a storybook that accompanied the themed MRI. Parents could read to their child the pirate ship adventure story ahead of their child’s scheduled appointment. These changes resulted in a decrease in the need for sedation from 80% to 27%.” source: Design Thinking 101)

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