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The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development were adopted by world leaders in September 2015 at a historic UN Summit and officially came into force on 1 January 2016. One of the pillars of the UN Sustainable Development Goals for 2030 is promoting good health and well-being. After the continuing impacts of climate change and the pandemic, this pillar’s importance has become critical. The effect of mental health, climate-related illness, and gaps in providing health care in society have increased in complexity. As futurists, we are responsible for ensuring healthy futures for as broad a range of people as possible. 

The health sector must consider creating new essential services for current and future populations. There has never been a more crucial moment for the industry to embrace investment in futures thinking. Our health sector futures lab focuses on radical new thinking and impact in a sector that needs a revolution.

Futures thinking is a discipline that aims to understand the potential impacts of current trends, movements, and technologies on the future. By considering the possible futures, individuals and organisations can make better decisions in the present. Our futures thinking lab project focuses on building visions of the future of health based on environmental, social, economic, and technological trends.

Our proprietary methodology for building visions of desirable futures has been deployed worldwide in various sectors for 12 years. This unique health-focused lab program offers skills development, participation in co-creation, and strategic vision development for the niche problems of the health and wellbeing industry.

The purpose of futures thinking is not to try to predict the future but rather to understand the impacts of today on tomorrow, imagine alternative futures, and as a result, make better decisions immediately. We look at the health industry with a new strategic lens of futures thinking. This new perspective helps map opportunities and threats previously invisible to mitigate risks and explore new possibilities.

Exercising our ability to imagine futures beyond the probable broadens the scope of projects beyond narrow visions of tomorrow. The spectrum of possible futures runs from the absurd to the likely. Gaining insight into what is the most desirable future within the range of possibilities is the first step to achieving it. It is fundamental for all strategists and leaders to anticipate opportunities and plan for them.

By joining the lab program, participants can develop skills related to research, analysis of trends and movements, ideation, and implementation of desirable futures. 

The methodology for designing desirable futures includes the following:

Skills Development

  • Training in Echos futures design methodology 
  • Participation in the co-creation of visions of the future of health
  • Development of skills related to research, analysis of trends and movements, ideation and implementation of desirable futures 

Strategic vision

  • Findings throughout the project become strategic inputs for decision-making and the company’s future direction
  • Possibility of influencing the vision of the future of health

Relationship and Communication

  • Network with major strategic partners in the healthcare sector 
  • Brand visibility in all deliverables and project development 

The future of healthcare is critical, and to stay competitive and effective, individuals and organisations must consider the potential impacts of current trends, movements, and technologies on the future. Joining a futures thinking lab program is an excellent way to develop skills, gain strategic vision, and influence the vision of the future of health. Individuals and organisations must make better decisions in the present to shape a desirable future for the healthcare industry.

Learn more or sign up here!


Juliana Proserpio

Juliana Proserpio is an entrepreneur and educator. She is the Co-Founder and Chief Design Officer of ECHOS, an innovation lab and its business units: Echos – School of Design Thinking – a school that puts innovation in practice, and Echos – innovation projects. Over the last 10
years, Juliana has worked to develop an innovation ecosystem in Australia, Brazil, and recently in Portugal to foster the power of design for desirable futures.
She has more than 10.000 hours working closely with clients on facilitation design, leading a diverse range of projects in industries such as healthcare, finance, education, retail, new, technology and consumer goods.
Juliana speaks on the power of design to create desirable futures. She spoke at events such as the Global Innovation Summit in San Jose, California, TEDxMaua in Sao Paulo, Brazil, What Design Can Do and the Sydney Design Festival.

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