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16 Oct 2018

Communication Design: Why Brands Like PepsiCo Do It

Communication is the instrument that connects and creates relationships between people, businesses and society. When communication and design unite forces, communication design becomes a tool that helps brands spread their messages in a way that will work best for them. The Communications Field Today Although the Communications field is a traditional part of society, its […]

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04 Sep 2018

Design Sprint: The Step By Step To Innovate In Business

Design Sprint is a practical and tangible way of introducing innovation to business. Created by jake Knapp, during his time at Google, it is is a time-constrained method, divided into five phases that uses Design Thinking to help teams to go deep into a problem and allow them to come out of this immersion with […]

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28 Aug 2018

Alumni Profile – Neill Morgan

“Design thinkers may be in short supply, but they exist inside every organisation. The trick is spotting them, nurturing them, and freeing them to do what they do best”. This quote is from Change by Design: How Design Thinking Transforms Organisations and Inspires Innovation, by Tim Brown. For this issue of the Echos newsletter, I […]

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28 Aug 2018

Is Your Workplace Human Friendly?

Back in the day, an office was a very dull place: wall to wall cubicles with a desk, a computer, filing cabinets, a phone and not much more. When we think about the traditional office set up, it is hard to imagine how people collaborated with one another during the working day or, frankly, if […]

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22 Aug 2018

Apple: The US$1 Trillion Design Thinking Case Study

It doesn’t take more than a brief conversation with an Apple user to realise the relationship they have with the brand holds emotional value. Because of how passionate Apple users can be, it is hard for one to picture a time when things weren’t such a bed of roses, but Apple did go through a […]

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22 Aug 2018

How To Use Design Thinking For Growth Hacking

After Facebook, LinkedIn and Dropbox all used growth hacking techniques to create business growth quickly, many other companies across the globe are starting to adopt the method to see their business prosper. We believe that Design Thinking values can be applied to growth hacking strategies as a way to foster innovation. What is Design Thinking? […]

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31 Jul 2018

Art, Worldbuilding And Design Thinking: A Conversation With Laura Cechanowicz

It was under the heat of a 40-degree day in Kyoto that I first met Laura. It was mid-July and the Gion Matsuri parades were happening all across town, which made the streets of otherwise not so crazy Kyoto, very much alive. I was walking through an arcade, partially shopping and partially trying to find […]

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24 Jul 2018

How Design Thinking Is Changing Education

How do we educate in a world that is constantly changing? Innovation has always been a part of education, however, at the fast pace the world is changing, the complexity of getting students ready for the future becomes greater. The scholar Cathy Davidson, for instance, has pointed out that 65% of kids that attended primary […]

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17 Jul 2018

Design Thinking Ideation: The Four Golden Rules

In Design Thinking, ideation is a process in which ideas and concepts are created in order to solve one specific problem at hand. In corporate environments, these would be problems employees and clients are facing daily. For the ideation process to be successful, it is crucial that a variety of people – from different departments, […]

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03 Jul 2018

Can Design Thinking Enhance Digital Marketing?

Digital Marketing seems to be the perfect tool to reach modern target audiences that are demanding, specific, knowledgeable and critical of the products and services they purchase. It reaches people via new technologies and, through online data, allows consumers to be heard, satisfying their needs like never before. In this article, we will draw a […]

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