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March 2020

become an innovation specialist

Open Course

long term program


você sabia?

Design Thinking Specialisation é uma jornada que te tornará um especialista de inovação apto a liderar projetos, prestar consultoria, dar treinamentos na área; resolver problemas complexos, criar novos produtos e proposições de valor.

O Design Thinking é uma abordagem que revoluciona a maneira de encontrar soluções inovadoras para os problemas e desafios das organizações, empresas, governo e sociedade. Ele permite que pessoas e organizações se tornem mais ágeis, mais inovadoras e humanas graças aos valores que guiam a abordagem: empatia, colaboração e experimentação.

No Design Thinking Specialisation você desenvolverá sua confiança criativa a partir de uma experiência de aprendizagem essencialmente prática e poderá aplicá-la em grandes corporações, em negócios sociais, empreendendo o seu próprio negócio ou se tornar um articulador de inovação.

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empathy, collaboration and experimentation

para quem é
este curso?

  • Para quem quer reinventar sua carreira ou está em uma fase de transição;
  • Para quem quer se tornar um especialista de inovação e liderar projetos, prestar consultoria ou dar treinamentos na área;
  • Para quem quer se aprofundar na abordagem do Design Thinking;
  • Para quem quer aprender um novo modelo de trabalho colaborativo;
  • Para quem quer participar de um laboratório de projetos concretos de inovação.

o que você vai aprender

  • Como inovar e gerir um projeto de inovação;
  • Um novo modelo mental e uma abordagem para resolver problemas complexos;
  • Empatia profunda, extrema colaboração e experimentação;
  • Ferramentas práticas para acelerar projetos de inovação;
  • Como trabalhar com times multidisciplinares;
  • Desenvolver seu potencial criativo na prática;
  • Como empresas de ponta têm inovado em seus segmentos.
  • Como aplicar o Design Thinking na prática a partir do desenvolvimento de um projeto com um cliente real.

participant's journey

This course is divided into four projects that will increasingly become more complex. During the last project, participants will work in partnership with a real company to solve a real-life complex business challenge.

veja o que os alunos estão dizendo sobre este curso

Those were four intense months I spent at Design Thinking Specialisation. I've experienced so many different emotions and sensations. Everything just felt so different from what I knew. Many people had told me with was a transforming experience, but nothing could have prepared me for the actual thing. Design Thinking helped me to open my mind, think in a different way. It gave me the courage to reinvent myself and allowed me to land both my feet in the future.

Gisele Karam Brazil

Those were four intense months I spent at Design Thinking Specialisation. I've experienced so many different emotions and sensations. Everything just felt so different from what I knew. Many people had told me with was a transforming experience, but nothing could have prepared me for the actual thing. Design Thinking helped me to open my mind, think in a different way. It gave me the courage to reinvent myself and allowed me to land both my feet in the future.

Gisele Karam Brazil

Those were four intense months I spent at Design Thinking Specialisation. I've experienced so many different emotions and sensations. Everything just felt so different from what I knew. Many people had told me with was a transforming experience, but nothing could have prepared me for the actual thing. Design Thinking helped me to open my mind, think in a different way. It gave me the courage to reinvent myself and allowed me to land both my feet in the future.

Gisele Karam Brazil

Those were four intense months I spent at Design Thinking Specialisation. I've experienced so many different emotions and sensations. Everything just felt so different from what I knew. Many people had told me with was a transforming experience, but nothing could have prepared me for the actual thing. Design Thinking helped me to open my mind, think in a different way. It gave me the courage to reinvent myself and allowed me to land both my feet in the future.

Gisele Karam Brazil

Those were four intense months I spent at Design Thinking Specialisation. I've experienced so many different emotions and sensations. Everything just felt so different from what I knew. Many people had told me with was a transforming experience, but nothing could have prepared me for the actual thing. Design Thinking helped me to open my mind, think in a different way. It gave me the courage to reinvent myself and allowed me to land both my feet in the future.

Gisele Karam Brazil


Our facilitators are innovation experts who are committed to showing the ropes to participants and sharing tactics to implement design thinking in any situation.

Juliana Proserpio Juliana Proserpio

Echos Chief Designer Officer & Founder

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Ricardo Ruffo Ricardo Ruffo

Echos Global CEO & Founder

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