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19 Dec 2017

Design Thinking For Beginners: 2/3 – Find The Problem

Design Thinking: Finding the Problem   This is the second article from a series of three. My intention is to help newbies/non-designers to see clearly when they might want to use a tool or a method in a Design Thinking (DT) project timeline. In this article I focus on the first part of a project, with […]

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16 Dec 2017

Design Thinking For Beginners: 1/3 – Create The Mindset

Breaking Design Thinking into questions   Design Thinking is a buzzword. If you google it, you will find different ways to describe it. Probably, it will make you feel more confused about it. But relax, almost every piece of information is correct even if they are quite different from one another. Design Thinking (DT) is […]

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28 Aug 2017

How To Make Innovation Really Happen: 3 Keys For Change

Innovation is a form of creating new value. “Value creation in the 20th century was largely defined by the conversion of heuristics to algorithms. It was about taking a fundamental understanding of a ‘mystery” – a heuristic – and driving it to a formula, an algorithm – so that it could be driven to huge […]

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12 Jul 2017

(Why) Entrepreneurs need to learn design thinking

Many things can go wrong when you start your own business. Despite the fact that you already decided to endeavour your idea which is already a huge step ahead, during the venturing process you will need lots of tools and ways to solve different challenges that turn up in your way. Definitely, learning design thinking […]

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21 Jun 2017

Explore Design 2017

At the beginning of this month (June 7, 2017), Canberra witnessed the second edition of Explore Design. The event humbly started last year at the ATO premises and amazingly grew to almost 300 attendees this year at the shiny and amazing at Realm Hotel supported by the Department of Employment.   An energetic contribution and genuine […]

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16 Jun 2017

What happens in a week learning about Design Thinking

A lot of people come to me to ask about what happens in a Design Thinking course. Although it is a theme that is getting very common in our lives, it still is hard to evaluate the real value of learning a new mindset and how design can be a powerful path to generate human-centered […]

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12 Jun 2017

Let’s stop talking about THE design process

Constantly we use terms like mental model or an approach when we talk about learning design thinking, mainly because at Echos we believe that the use of design thinking just as a set of tools is superficial and creates this feeling of one more tool available nowadays. Approach challenges with design thinking go far beyond […]

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06 Jun 2017

David Kelley: From Design to Design Thinking at Stanford and IDEO

Maria Camacho, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia In Conversation David Kelley: From Design to Design Thinking at Stanford and IDEO  David Kelley (figure 1) is the founder of the Stanford—the Hasso Plattner Institute of Design at Stanford University. He is also founder and chairman of IDEO, the renowned global design company. In this conversation […]

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31 May 2017

Governments Need a Design Policy

Design has long gone from tinkering and sketching of auteurs in isolation to a powerful catalyzer of growth. And over the years the private sector has come to terms with the fact that design means business — not a creative break. Today, a host of Fortune 500 companies, including Target, Nike and Apple, are likely […]

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24 Mar 2017

Why Innovation only happens through people?

As a matter of fact, you may have heard about this innovative project or idea that was ready to lead off and nothing happened. There are so many innovations happening inside of organisations and so many ideas that don’t really go through. Since we started Echos in 2011 in Brazil this question kept us thinking […]

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