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02 Oct 2018

The 5 Don'ts For Innovation In Business

Currently, the desire for innovation is almost a survival instinct amongst companies around the world. However, there are certain things one should never do when trying to innovate in business. Here is a brief list of 5 things you should NOT do when aiming for innovation in business: 1- Fear Failure Image: One od […]

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02 Oct 2018

How To Be An Innovative Leader & All That Jazz

It’s no secret that companies have to constantly reinvent themselves to stay relevant in our fast-moving economy, so it should be not surprising that traditional leadership and management models are also becoming obsolete in our evolving society. The authoritarian boss archetype, the one that is feared by all and befriended by none is an idea […]

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13 Sep 2018

Rediscovering Play In Adulthood. Yes ADULTS, We’re Talking To You!

The action of playing is known to be an essential part of our lives when we’re developing our brains as kids; what I did not realise is that play is crucial for our development and that humans are supposed to keep playing for their whole lives. Last week, I had the pleasure to watch two […]

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04 Sep 2018

Is Netflix Struggling To Innovate?

This morning I was reading an article called “What Netflix needs to do to make a successful late-night show”, an article that talks about two late-night shows produced by Netflix that have been cancelled recently (The Break with Michelle Wolf and The Joel McHale Show), in which David Lidsky writes: “So then you have Netflix–established […]

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07 Aug 2018

Multidisciplinary Teams: The Key To An Innovative Work Environment

The term “multidisciplinary teams” originally comes from the health industry, and it means “a group of health care workers who are members of different disciplines (professionals e.g.Psychiatrists, Social Workers, etc.), each providing specific services to the patient. They coordinate their services and work together towards a specific set of goals”. If we were to bring […]

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07 Aug 2018

What Kind Of Innovator Are You?

No matter what industry you’re in, innovation surely is a part of your day-to-day. Companies of every sector tend to use the term “innovation” to challenge themselves and their employees to make sure they are ahead of the curve instead of chasing tale when it comes to new technologies and market trends. A very common […]

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31 Jul 2018

What If Our Health System Kept Us Healthy?

For the past handful of years, there has been a buzz around the health sector with people questioning if the traditional model is working as it should or if it is as efficient and humanised as it could be. Earlier this month, our founder Juliana Proserpio, spoke in-depth about the new paradigms of health in […]

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10 Jul 2018

The New Healthy: Innovating In Healthcare

Echos is a people-centred innovation laboratory. After working with many clients in the health sector, we have a few pearls of wisdom to share about the future of the health industry. This article aims to share the trends and learnings on innovation in the health sector based on data from Echos- Innovation Lab projects.  It […]

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10 Jul 2018

Echos' Innovation Project – Health Case Study

Echos worked with one of the world’s largest and oldest – founded in the 1800’s – multinational medical devices, pharmaceutical and consumer packaged goods manufacturing company to help them foster innovation through a more comprehensive care-service during treatment of patients that suffer from Multiple Myeloma, a terminal type of cancer. The Challenge To design a […]

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03 Jul 2018

Say Hello To The Service Design Era

It is common contemporary knowledge that Design methodologies are being applied more and more to multiple business fronts in order to increase the quality of services and leave customers more satisfied. We live in a society where services are taking over places where before products used to reign absolute. Service Design is a discipline of […]

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