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13 Aug 2019

Corporations, Listen Up: Innovation Only Happens Through People

You may have heard about an innovative project or idea that was about to take off but ended up never happening. There is so much innovation happening inside of organisations and so many ideas that don’t move forward. Since we founded Echos in 2011, this question kept us wondering why innovative projects or ventures don’t […]

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06 Aug 2019

Do All Companies Innovate In The Same Way?

In the current global business landscape, a competitive company is a company that invests in innovation. Defined by its human-centred, status-quo breaking characteristics, innovation can happen in many ways. THE TYPES OF INNOVATION Incremental Innovation This is a low-impact kind of innovation. Incremental Innovation happens by a series of small improvements to an organisation’s existing […]

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16 Apr 2019

The Era Of Open Innovation

The verb “to innovate” is defined by the Oxford dictionary as “To make changes in something established, especially by introducing new methods, ideas, or products. To introduce something new, especially a product”. At Echos, we like to describe innovation as something that adds value to people’s life. Anyone and anything can be innovative, depending on […]

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16 Apr 2019

SXSW 2019: The Design Trends

SXSW started as a music festival that aimed to bring life to Austin, Texas. As the years went by, the event continued to expand and, nowadays, it is known as the biggest innovation festival in the world. Currently, the event is divided into four categories: interaction (technology and innovation), film, music and comedy. In each […]

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09 Apr 2019

Business Innovation in Three Steps

Innovation serves society as the very thing that propels it forward. In other words, innovation happens when a solution is created to a problem in a way that people’s lives are changed for the better. In the business world, the combination of entrepreneurship and innovation is the stuff dreams are made of because, without entrepreneurship, […]

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05 Feb 2019

8 Habits Creative People Cultivate

Innovation and collaborative thinking are all the rage in 2019. Companies all fields are investing money, time and efforts into developing a more creative environment in which people can work towards innovative solutions for daily and complex problems. What Is Innovation Facilitation? Companies have noticed that when people co-create, the results of that collaboration are […]

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29 Jan 2019

How To Nurture A Culture Of Innovation: Juliana Proserpio To Speak At Pause Fest 2019

PAUSE FEST is one of the world’s leading creativity infused business event. It is a catalyst for change, an uniter of all industries, and a platform for the future. It has been described as “Australasia’s SXSW” and as “Woodstock for digital natives”. Over the course of nine years, This Melbourne based event has grown to […]

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22 Jan 2019

To Be Or Not To Be Black Mirror: That Is The Future's Question

With every new dawn, new technology is making changes to the way that we live our lives. It’s happening quite fast, also. If five years ago someone told you 3D printing a replica of yourself would cost only around US$380, you would probably shrug off and think that person was crazy. We are stepping in […]

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20 Nov 2018

The Art Of Innovation

We hear people saying all the time: “such thing is an art”. Who has never heard sentences such as “making desserts is an art”? And people are right, mundane tasks when taken to the next level can become art forms, just look at what Adriano Zumbo does to his desserts, for example. When it comes […]

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06 Nov 2018

Innovation In Business: Design Thinking Is The Key

Our contemporary economy is equal parts competitive and sophisticated, which is the reason why innovation has become an indispensable add-on for any company under the sun. In a fast-paced society, where people change their opinions very frequently, companies need to be able to adjust to demands that are inconsistent and likely to change from night […]

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