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07 Aug 2018

Multidisciplinary Teams: The Key To An Innovative Work Environment

The term “multidisciplinary teams” originally comes from the health industry, and it means “a group of health care workers who are members of different disciplines (professionals e.g.Psychiatrists, Social Workers, etc.), each providing specific services to the patient. They coordinate their services and work together towards a specific set of goals”. If we were to bring […]

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17 Jul 2018

Is Creativity A Human Creation?

Last year I attended an Adobe Artificial Intelligence debate, that was part of Sydney’s Vivid Festival. The posed question that night was: does creativity require humanity? At the beginning of that night, approximately 60% of the attendees voted in favour of creativity being, indeed, a human trait. I was included in that group. Two hours, […]

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10 Jul 2018

The New Healthy: Innovating In Healthcare

Echos is a people-centred innovation laboratory. After working with many clients in the health sector, we have a few pearls of wisdom to share about the future of the health industry. This article aims to share the trends and learnings on innovation in the health sector based on data from Echos- Innovation Lab projects.  It […]

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19 Jun 2018

#Humanity: Humans Are Trending

Since the foundation of Echos in 2011, we have been talking so much about putting people at the centre of our decisions that you may, perhaps, even be bored by the thought of listening about the three main principles that sustain Design Thinking and, therefore, I am not going to talk about empathy, collaboration or […]

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12 Jun 2018

A Day At Miraikan, Japan's "Future Museum"

Japan is known for being home to several UNESCO World Heritage sites, for its martial arts, and, of course, for being the home of sushi, one of the most popular dishes in the world. Besides tourism, sports and food, Japan is globally known as a tech leader, a country where innovation and tradition coexist in […]

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29 May 2018

Privacy: a God-Given Right or a Fighting The Tech Gods Benefit?

When I was 14 years old, I read in the stretch of one afternoon, from cover to back, George Orwell’s premonitory masterpiece 1984. Over the years, I have always been amazed by the way we – as a society – willingly share our information so freely online. That is not to say I am not […]

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17 May 2018

Inno-invasion: How Google Assistant Opened Up A Conversation About Desirable Futures

If you live on Planet Earth you have probably heard that this time last week Google launched its new – and ultra human-like – version of its personal assistant feature: Google Assistant. In a video that went viral at the speed of sound, we watch Google’s Assistant, a bot, making phone calls to real people, […]

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25 Apr 2018

UK is positioning itself as an innovative country and defining its intention towards A.I.

We have been studying the design of desirable futures for the past years. One thing became clear. When designing a desirable future, we need to define with clarity what is our intention. If not well-defined, technology and weak signals can emerge leading the project to negative outcomes. That is why design is so important. Design […]

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25 Apr 2018

Now is the time for Human-Centred Strategy

If we were to list all technologic improvements that the world has had since 1979 we could probably spend days talking about it and how our life changed. And how about geopolitics in 1979? Cold war? Yes! And what about Culture? Michael Jackson was releasing his breakthrough album Off the Wall, including hits like Don’t […]

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23 Aug 2017

Singularity University: Global Summit 2017

Last week we traveled to San Francisco to attend the Singularity* Summit. *For those who don’t know Singularity, they’re the ones who have been leading the thought and mindset for exponentially. Singularity University in their own words believes that our world has the people, technology, and resources to solve any problem, even humanity’s most urgent, […]

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