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19 Jun 2018

Fit As A Brain

It’s 7 A.M. and on my way to work I see – as I do every day -, one after another, the members of Sydney’s fitness crowd, an endless line up of committed people who are, weekend or week-day, all muscle, sweat and tears. Australia is one of the world’s most active countries and its […]

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12 Jun 2018

Echos' Innovation Project – Case Study

Echos worked with one of the world’s largest and oldest – founded in the 1700’s – manufacturers of pens, pencils, office, art and education supplies to help them foster innovation within their 7,000 employee company and create a positive impact on sales. The Challenge To foster and accelerate innovation through Design Thinking. Change mindsets and […]

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12 Jun 2018

A Day At Miraikan, Japan's "Future Museum"

Japan is known for being home to several UNESCO World Heritage sites, for its martial arts, and, of course, for being the home of sushi, one of the most popular dishes in the world. Besides tourism, sports and food, Japan is globally known as a tech leader, a country where innovation and tradition coexist in […]

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05 Jun 2018

Four Hot Tips For First-Time Innovators

Innovation is imminent and necessary to move forward; we all know that. Knowing how to start innovating is a different story. What abilities does one need to possess? What tools does one need to have? In high-pressure professional environments, the pressure to be innovative can be overwhelming and may leave you feeling like you don’t […]

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29 May 2018

Privacy: a God-Given Right or a Fighting The Tech Gods Benefit?

When I was 14 years old, I read in the stretch of one afternoon, from cover to back, George Orwell’s premonitory masterpiece 1984. Over the years, I have always been amazed by the way we – as a society – willingly share our information so freely online. That is not to say I am not […]

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17 May 2018

Inno-invasion: How Google Assistant Opened Up A Conversation About Desirable Futures

If you live on Planet Earth you have probably heard that this time last week Google launched its new – and ultra human-like – version of its personal assistant feature: Google Assistant. In a video that went viral at the speed of sound, we watch Google’s Assistant, a bot, making phone calls to real people, […]

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17 May 2018

The End Of The Digital Divide In Services

What are the new paradigms for services? What is the perfect merge between physical and digital experiences? Not so long ago when buying goods or services, the only way of exchanging value was through money – physical money. Making a dinner reservation meant talking in person with someone. Urban transportation meant having a car or […]

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10 May 2018

Artificial Intelligence, Business Models And The Future

Design Thinking Is The Innovation We’ve Been Waiting For   Whilst problems can be a source of frustration, especially within fast paced office environments, when tackled creatively they can become also reason for inspiration resulting in a new, more desirable and uncharted reality for your business. Within the digital sphere, innovation is a concept that […]

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25 Apr 2018

World Creativity and Innovation Day

On Saturday 21st of April, United Nations celebrated the very first World Creativity and Innovation Day (WCID). More than just another date, the WCID is a recognition on the power of innovation and creativity to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. Designing and building a world we want to live in doesn’t come without it’s challenges. […]

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25 Apr 2018

UK is positioning itself as an innovative country and defining its intention towards A.I.

We have been studying the design of desirable futures for the past years. One thing became clear. When designing a desirable future, we need to define with clarity what is our intention. If not well-defined, technology and weak signals can emerge leading the project to negative outcomes. That is why design is so important. Design […]

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